
Best CVS Deals & Coupons 10/7!

by Christie on October 6, 2012

Here are the best CVS Deals and coupons for 10/7 – 10/9. Not much here folks, it’s a very small ad for these 3 days. However many of you will see a 20% savings pass that might help us come up with some good deals. We’ll also see another ad (that I’ll post later) for 10/10 – 10/13.

If you are looking for coupons, check out MyCouponHunter or checkout eBay HERE. You can also check out my coupon database HERE. Happy Shopping!


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jean October 7, 2012 at 1:59 pm

Does anyone know when the P&G Buy 30 Get $10 back in bucks ended. My daughter bought some Olay Prox and some other P&G items on Saturday and nothing showed on her receipt and she did use her card…This is frustrating for her cuz I thought their sales went from Sunday to Sat…Anyone know. She may return them, but not sure about the deal. Thanks.


Seth October 7, 2012 at 2:18 pm

I’m not for sure when that ended but if she did the deal on Saturday after they switched the sales over for Sunday, that could be the reason. If she has the ad from last week all she would have to do is show them her receipt and the ad and they should correct any issues. If it ended on Saturday then you should have received any ECB’s that were listed in the ad. If I shop on Saturday no matter then time, I always make sure I have the ad to avoid problems like this. If you have the ad they can’t argue. Hope that helps.


silvia October 7, 2012 at 10:45 pm

I agree with Seth, it ended Saturday. Take your receipt, ad and request her ECB. Always save your ads until you are clear of any mistakes. I have had to learn the hard way


Ricky October 7, 2012 at 7:40 pm

Picked up the Gillette styler for 9.99 and used the $4/1 and received the $5.00 Ecb. Also bought 6 Pepsi 2 liters for .50 each. Winner!


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