
Grab Halloween Candy Coupons Now!

by Christie on October 6, 2012

Halloween is right around the corner and we have various candy coupons to print! Grab these while you can! Everyone is going to be looking for Halloween candy coupons over the next couple of weeks, so who knows how long they’ll last.

$1.50 off TWO NESTLÉ Fun Size or Halloween Candy 18 to 24oz
$2.50 off TWO bags of WONKA® Candy, 32 oz or larger
$2.50 off TWO bags of NESTLÉ® assorted candy, 32 oz. or larger
$1.50 off THREE NESTLÉ® fun size or Halloween candy 9.2-12.8oz
$1.50 off THREE bags of WONKA® Candy 9.47-12 oz
$1.50 off TWO NESTLÉ® fun size or Halloween candy 18-24oz


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IG October 7, 2012 at 11:23 am

I wonder if any of the Halloween candy will go on clearance on 10/31 so these coupons can be used on that day??? Sometimes, doesn’t Walmart start getting rid of their Halloween stuff the evening of 10/31??


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