
New Ibotta Offers: Capri Sun, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice and More!

by Christie on April 10, 2013

Ibotta Offers (4-10)

We have some great new Ibotta Offers available today including offers for Capri Sun, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice and more! Here’s what I see that you can grab today…

Ibotta app rocksNEW TO IBOTTA?
Ibotta gives you the opportunity to earn cash for buying products you were going to buy anyway. It’s very easy to use and they have offers for products like Kellogg’s, Dove, Windex & many more.

Download the ibotta app, it’s totally FREE HEREAfter you register, you can start choosing the offers you’d like. The best part of this program is you are getting cash that can be deposited to your Paypal account or donated to any school. And Ibotta requires just a $5 minimum balance to start cashing your earnings. So if you want to earn easy money buying products you were going to buy anyway sign up HERE!

(Thanks, Totally Target!)


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Andrea Townsley April 10, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Great app! I earned $6.50 in my first shopping trip. I bought one Capri Sun and then two more popped up. Same for the MiO and Smuckers. (one more of each came up). I like the feature where you can give a thumbs up or down to influence the offers you get, it seems to work so you get more offers for things you’ll actually purchase.


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