
Candy Bar Sale & Instant Coupon = FREE!

by Christie on April 25, 2013

Candy Bar Sale (CVS 4-28)

Next week, at CVS, you can get a FREE Candy Bar of your choice! Starting on 4/28, CVS will have Hershey’s or Mars Chocolate Singles (1.08-2.06 oz.) on sale for $0.99.

There will also be a $0.99 instant coupon available at the Coupon Center kiosk that will make your candy bar absolutely FREE!!

CVS Deal (Starting 4/28)
(1) Hershey’s or Mars Singles Bar, 1.08-2.06 oz., $0.99
(1) $0.99/1 Hershey’s or Mars Chocolate Singles Bar Instant CVS coupon
= FREE!!

Or you can use the M&M’s coupon to do this deal…

Buy (3) M&M’s Chocolate Singles 99¢ each
Total = $2.97
$0.50 off TWO (2) M&M’S Milk Chocolate Singles
(1) $0.99/1 Hershey’s or Mars Chocolate Singles Bar Instant CVS coupon
= 49¢ EACH!


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Jean April 26, 2013 at 10:33 am

aaahh….I just used my $1.00 of an Aero bar when you buy a Hershey’s milk chocolate bar at the grocery store double days. I can’t complain cuz I got them both free. But love Aero bars…I fool myself into thinking there is less chocolate and more air so I have less guilt :).


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