
Grab a Two Week FREE Trial of HuluPlus!

by Christie on July 10, 2013

Looking for some FREE entertainment this Summer? Keep the whole family entertained with two weeks of Hulu Plus totally FREE. Just go HERE to start your FREE trial. You can watch all the latest and hottest shows like Downton Abbey, Modern Family. Family Guy & More!

With Hulu Plus you can watch current and older TV shows and movies anytime in HD for $7.99 month with very limited advertising. Hulu Plus offers every single episode of the current season. So you can easily catch up on a show you’ve been meaning to watch. To take advantage of the free two week trial just go HERE.

You can watch Hulu Plus in HD on your TV, laptop, iPad and iPhone, PlayStation 3, Roku, and Blu-ray players from Sony, Samsung, Vizio and more. So if you want to enjoy it free for two weeks, just check it out HERE. In the past I’ve only seen free one week trials so this is a really nice treat and a great free way to entertain the kids!


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Nelly July 10, 2013 at 12:46 pm

You need to enter your credit card #! And at the fine print said that you will be charged after 7 days not 14 days. How do you get 2 free weeks?


jane July 10, 2013 at 1:30 pm

I wondered that too 🙂


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