
New Purex Coupons to Print!

by Christie- on September 26, 2013

PurexWoo Hoo!  There are 2 new coupons  SAVE $1.50 on ANY (2) Purex Laundry Detergents and SAVE $0.50 on ANY (1) Purex Laundry Detergent available to print now. These are not currently on sale, but they often go on B1G1 sales, so I would print these now. The coupons I printed have an expiration of 2/1/14! We have lots of time to take advantage of them.

Drugstore Savings Tip: If you are in need or detergent now, these are buy one get one free at Walgreens thru 09/28, check out my post HERE.


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Cathy September 26, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Im sort of new to couponing. Just curious when the sale is B1G1 on the purex am I able to use one save 1/50/2 and 2 save .50/1 in the same transaction?


Harriet September 27, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Cathy, there isn’t one in then next couple of weeks, but they often do go on sale. You wouldn’t be able to use both coupons if you are buying 2. I think Christie is just saying print them while they are available. You could use two 50¢ coupons if you are buying two in a B1G1 and you can use one $1.50 if you are buying 2 in a B1G1 sale. If you have a Walgreens nearby, these are on sale now thru 9/28 B1G1. Click on the HERE link after the Drugstore Savings Tip at the bottom of this post to read more about that deal.


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