
Snickers Peanut Butter Squared Bags Just $1!

by Christie on October 17, 2013

Snickers CVSI love cheap Halloween Candy deals so I’m super excited about this. We can grab Snickers Peanut Butter Squared fun sized bags for just $1 this week!

Snickers Peanut Butter Squares are on sale for 2/$6, plus we have a new $1.00 SNICKERS Peanut Butter Squared MINIS (11.5 oz+) available! Add to that a  $2 ECB when you buy (2) and you’ve got an awesome deal at just $1 a bag! Check it out.

CVS Deals (Thru 10/19)
Buy (2) Snickers Peanut Butter Squared 11.5oz 2/$6
(2) $1/1 bag of SNICKERS Peanut Butter Squared MINIS (11.5 oz+)
Total = $4, Get Back $2 ECBs


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megan October 18, 2013 at 9:25 am

Has anyone tried this? It says the fun size are on sale but these are minis.I know they are picky.


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