
CVS Coupons: CVS Coupon Center 5/4

by Christie- on May 7, 2014

https://wildforcvs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CVS-Coupon-Center2.pngHere are the CVS Coupons printing at the Coupon Center this week.

$ OFF or % OFF Coupons
$5/$20+ Fragrance Purchase
$1/$5 Facial Moisturizer or Acne Care
$2/$10 Body Lotion Purchase
$2/$10 Battery Purchase
$2/$8 Deodorant purchase
$2/$10 Deodorant Purchase
$2.50/$12 Deodorant purchase
$3/$10 purchase of any candy
$3/$12 CVS razor products
$1/$5 Cookies, Crackers, Chips or Nuts
$4/$10 Hair Removers, Wax and Bleach
20% off any purchase of Candy, gum or mints
$2/$10 CVS Brand Razors, Shave Creams or Depilatories
$1/$5 Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Excedrin or CVS Pain Relievers
$2/$8 Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Excedrin or CVS Pain Relievers
$2/$10 Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Excedrin or CVS Pain Relievers
$1/$5 Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Excedrin or CVS Pain Relievers
$1/$5 CVS Brand Medicated, Dandruff, Therapeutic Shampoo
$1/$5 Gold Emblem Peanuts, Pistachios or Almonds
$2/$8 Allergy Relief. Excludes Pseudoephedrine
$5/$20 Nicotine Replacement Therapy Patches, Gum or Lozenges
$2/$10 of Mascara, Lipstick, Nail Polish, Foundation or Blush
$3/$15 of Mascara, Lipstick, Nail Polish, Foundation or Blush

Specific Product Coupons
$2/2 M+Ms 8-14 oz
$2/1 CVS brand Nasal Strips 26 ct +
$2/1 Bengay
$5/1 Tide Pods or Gain Flings 77 ct Unit Dose Laundry Detergent
$1/2 Band-Aid or CVS Brand Adhesive Bandages (20 ct)
$2/1 CVS Brand Sleep Aid
$2/1 Maybelline Foundation
$3/2 Colgate Optic White Toothbrush, Toothpaste or Mouthwash
$3/1 Physicians Formula Cosmetic Purchase
$2/1 any Caress Soap or Body Wash
$1/2 Large Dove Chocolate Bars
$7/1 off Schick Hydro 5 Cartridge Refills
$1/2 Body Lotions
$1.50/1 Kiss or Broadway Nails or Eyelashes (excludes glue)
$5/2 Refresh Optive or Refresh Optive Advanced
$2/1 Pronamel Multi Action or Pronamel Mouth Rinse
$1/1 purchase of Splenda or Nectresse
B1G1 Free Lever 2000 bar soap 8 pack
$10 off 3 month supply of women’s Rogaine
$1/1 off CVS Brand Body Wash or Bar Soap

What have you gotten after scanning your card at the CVS Coupon Center? If you got something different let us know!


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Felipa May 7, 2014 at 5:20 pm

These are some of the ones I received. I’m really excited about the first 5 on here!
$5 off when you purchase any two (2) Revlon Cosmetics
$3 off any two (2) Tena
$1 off Body Lotions. Try Aveeno or Jergens Glow
$3 off any LOreal Facial Skincare
50% off Any Axe Shower Gel! (excl clearance)
$4 off $20 Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Excedrin or CVS Pain Relievers
$2 off two (2) CVS Brand Body Wash or Bar Soap
$2 off any $8 purchase of tampons, pads or liners


Montanna May 7, 2014 at 11:40 pm

I got $3 off $10 cvs brand diapers.


JER May 11, 2014 at 2:12 am

For the “$1 off Body Lotions. Try Aveeno or Jergens Glow” coupon, can you use it for other brand body lotions?


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