
Print Now for Chex Mix Sale & Gas Card Deal Next Week!

by Christie- on June 26, 2014

Print Chex Coupon for Gas Card DealHurry and print this coupon now, 50¢ ON TWO when you buy TWO BAGS any 4 OZ. OR LARGER Bugles Corn Snacks, Chex Mix, Pillsbury Baguette Chips, Gardetto’s… (68130). These will be on sale next week two for $3. Plus, they are also a part of the Gas Card Deal. This coupon is scheduled to be removed so don’t delay!

CVS Deals (Starting 6/29)
Buy (2) Chex Mix or Gardettos, 5.5-8.75 oz 2/$3 Sale Price
(1) 50¢ ON TWO when you buy TWO BAGS any 4 OZ. OR LARGER Bugles Corn Snacks, Chex Mix, Pillsbury Baguette Chips, Gardetto’s… (68130)
Total = $1.25 per bag + $3 will count towards the Gas Card!


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nataly June 27, 2014 at 11:00 am

Hi Christie I have question is there a limit as to how many gas card you can get one transaction?


Harriet June 27, 2014 at 4:15 pm

Hi Nataly. The limit stated on the ad is 1 per week. I haven’t tried more than one. However, my limit has not read reached after I do 1 deal on Sunday.

The very first week this was offered this year, the limit in the ad read 3, and I know that it worked at once for this lady that was ahead of me. She had a bunch of stuff and got the $30 gas card coupon in one transaction, however, that was the first week and I’ve not tried it!


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