
Hurry! New Coupon for $4.16 Nexxus — This Week & Next Week (Reg. $10.49)!

by Christie- on August 19, 2014

Nexxus Hair productsWoo Hoo! Remember the deal I posted earlier this week? Hurry and grab this new coupon, $3.00 on the purchase of any ONE (1) Nexxus Hair Care Item (Ets) (68130). Nexxus products are part of the Gift Card Deal. You’ll get a $10 Gift Card when you spend $30+ on Nexxus products. This deal is good this week AND next week! So be sure to grab this new coupon even if you’ve done the deal this week. Nexxus products Start at $10.49. I found a couple packaged with a bonus, so be on the lookout for those!

Keep in mind you’ll have to do this one in two visits as you are limited to (2) coupons per transaction. This coupon prints with an expiration date of 9/28.

CVS Deals (thru 8/30)
Buy (2) Nexxus Hydra light shampoo + Free Bonus $10.49
Total = $20.98
(2) $3.00 on the purchase of any ONE (1) Nexxus Hair Care Item (Ets) (68130)
Total = $14.98

Buy (1) Nexxus Humectress Conditioner $10.49
(2) $3.00 on the purchase of any ONE (1) Nexxus Hair Care Item (Excludes trial and travel sizes.) (68130)
Total = $7.49, Get Back $10 CVS Gift Card
= $4.16 EACH!


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

jane August 20, 2014 at 11:47 am

Hey Christy, you might want to check your second deal….I think you meant to type buy 3 Nexxus to get the gift card and use (3) coupons? 🙂


debbie August 20, 2014 at 4:39 pm

No, if you noticed in Christy’s post she said you have to do the transactions above in two separate visits because you are only allowed to use 2 coupons per transaction.


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