
Dove, Dove Men+Care & Tresemmé Hair Care – Starting at $1 Each!

by Christie- on January 5, 2016

Dove, Dove Men+Care & Tresemmé Hair Care - Starting at $1 Each!If you haven’t taken advantage of the Unilever Personal Care ECB deal to earn $5 when you spend $15, here are some other ideas.  Select Dove Shampoos, Conditioners and Stylers, Dove Men+Care 2-in-1, TRESemmé Shampoos & Conditioners are on sale two for $8 and included in this deal. The TRESemmé stylers are also included in this deal but the coupon for those is $1 off one, so it’s a better deal to stick to shampoos and conditioners. Select other shampoos & conditioners are 2/$10, so be sure and stick to the 2/$8 bottles for better deals. Keep in mind the limit is one for this deal.

CVS Deals (thru 1/9)
Buy (2) Dove Shampoo, Conditioner 12oz, Dry Shampoo 5oz or Styler 7-9.25oz 2/$8
Buy (2) Dove Men+Care 2-in-1 Fortifying Shampoo & Conditioner 12oz, 2/$8 Sale Price
(2) $2/1 Dove Men+Care Hair Care Product or Hair Care Styling Product, exp. 1/30/16 (RP 01/03/16)
(1) $3/2 Dove Hair Products, exp. 1/30/16 (RP 01/03/16)
Total = $9, Get Back $5 ECB for Spending $15
= $1 each

Buy (2) Dove Shampoo, Conditioner, 12oz, Dry Shampoo 5oz or Styler 7-9.25oz 2/$8
Buy (2) Tresemmé Shampoos or Conditioner 28-32oz, 2/$8 Sale Price
(1) $3/2 Tresemme Shampoo, exp. 1/31/16 (RP 01/03/16)
(1) $3/2 Dove Hair Products, exp. 1/30/16 (RP 01/03/16)
Total = $10, Get Back $5 ECB for Spending $15
= $1.25 each


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Verna January 5, 2016 at 3:55 pm

For Jan 5th deals–The Dove/Tresseme deals are not right===You say you get back $10 EB and I think you meant get back $5 EB.


Christie January 5, 2016 at 6:55 pm

Ooops, typo – but the deal and the math is right. Thanks for letting me know!


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