
Great Smelling Yardley Bar Soaps 50¢ Each!

by Christie- on January 13, 2017

yardley-dealsYardley single bars are on sale this week for $1.57 each or 4/$3. Check your Smartsource insert from this weekend for a $1 coupon you can use when you buy four bars! You’ll pick up these for just 50¢ per bar. This is a really nice price for these. They smell really good. In addition to being soaps, I like to use these to make my clothes or bed  lines smell really nice. Just store them in your drawers until you’re ready to use ’em.

CVS Deals (Thru 1/14)
Buy (4) Yardley Soap 4.25oz, 4/$3 Sale Price
$1/4 Yardley Bar Soaps (Any combination of singles or multipacks) OR (1) Body Wash or Artisan Bar Soap 3pk, exp. 2/19/17 (SS 1/8/17)
Total = 50¢ each


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jen January 13, 2017 at 8:00 pm

thanks for expiration dates of coupons. i always need to know heads up so i know if they are expiring, helps a bunch.


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