
L’Oréal Advanced Stylers Just 49¢ Each!

by Christie- on January 13, 2017

loreal-advancedThis week you earn $5 ECB when you buy two select L’Oréal Hair Care Products. The Advanced Hairstylers are included in this deal. Your price will vary, but the prices for these start at $4.99. You could pay just 49¢ per bottle 🙂 . The limit is one for this deal.

CVS Deals (Thru 1/14)
Buy (2) L’Oréal Advanced Hair Style Product, $4.99 Reg. Price
(2) $2/1 L’Oreal Paris Advanced Hairstyle Product, exp. 1/14/17 (RP 1/1/17)
OR $1/1 L’Oreal Paris Hair Expert/Advanced Hairstyle product excl 3oz
Total = As low as $5.98, Get Back $5 ECB for buying two
= 49¢ each


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

mel January 13, 2017 at 12:52 pm

Except for those of us in the new midwest test markets (MN, WI, IA….), who have 2 week ads now and are stuck in last weeks buy 2 get $2 ecb. 🙁


Jennifer January 13, 2017 at 11:20 pm

I only got $2.00 Extrabucks in upstate NY.


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