
Get FREE $5 From DOSH + Easy Cash Back!

by Christie on August 13, 2019

I’m always looking for new ways to earn money back on things I’m doing anyway. One new way I’ve started doing this is using a cash back app called Dosh. Dosh is pretty darn easy. Once you get it set up, you don’t even have to think about it. Just cash out your earnings. 🙂 Plus right now, you can earn a new member $5 bonus! You can get cash back and many different retailers like Dunkin’ Donuts, Staples, Sam’s Club, CVS and more. And the retailers are always changing. Here’s how it works…

Step #1Download the app using THIS link.
You’ll earn $5 right off the bat when you use my special link and connect your first card.

Step #2 – Connect your card
Securely link your credit and/or debit cards. Whenever you pay with your linked cards for a participating merchant Dosh gets you cash back. You have to connect your card to get the $5 and start earning!

Step #3 – Shop and dine out
Pay with your linked card at 1,000s of stores and restaurants, and get up to 10% cash back automatically in your Dosh Wallet.

Step #4 – Transfer your cash
Transfer your cash to bank accounts, PayPal, or donate to charity from the app!

One nice thing is that this is connected to your card. So you can actually stack it with OTHER cash back portals. So for example, let’s say you wanted to buy something at Carter’s. You could shop thru TopCashBack to earn 3% back, use your linked card thru Dosh to get another 5% cash back and maybe you are using a credit card that offers 1% cash back. So you’ve just paid 9% less for something you were going to buy anyway, not including whatever coupon codes you used!

Just go HERE to check out Dosh and start off with your first $5 after you link a card! Plus, once you have an account you can earn $5 when you refer your spouse, mom, friends, whoever to Dosh! Enjoy. 🙂


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

paulette August 15, 2019 at 9:51 am

could not complete sign-up. said something about a code. whats up


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